Future Fabrics 2024 | Yucatan

Future Fabrics Mexico - Weaving Technology Into Tradition

Makers tackling the topic of cultural preservation

Future Fabrics Mexico, weaving technology into tradition is a research project that aims at innovating and developing tools and solutions for the mayan artisanship through a systemic cocreation process working with mayan communities. Building upon the Future Fabrics Bhutan, in 2023, the focus on the Mayan weaving and the Mexican cultural heritage, while learning from the experts, and visiting craftswomen weaving communities.

The scope of the project is tackling three areas

  • How can we preserve traditional arts, culture & crafts?

  • How do we make art and culture more accessible?

  • Can we foster knowledge exchange and upgrade traditional tools?

The project unrolls with the methodology PLACE, DESIGN, MAKE firstly developed in the TCBL and in the shemakes.euEuropean Projects.

PLACE is about community mapping, local culture understanding, interviews, the stories, the people, premonitions, and visions for the future. We had the opportunity to work closely with 2 women craft communities, part of Fundacion Haciendas Mundo Maya, and with the municipio of Xocchel. We conduct a diagnositc test, understand market tendencies, resources limitations and daily life habits.


DESIGN looks into how innovation, technology, and digitalization can be brought into contemporary neo-artisanship. Looking across the value chain and identifying pain points, processes optimization, waste upclycling, and circular design. We have developed a dictionary and recipe book for mayan #naturaldyes , paper making with henequen fibers, bioleathers and biocomposite, and non wovens using #henequen and #sansevieria fibers. We created a protocol for mould making to obtain complex forms, a comb, a stamp from the stories, and memories from the craftswomen.


MAKE questions the tools and machines we need to create. How can we foster knowledge transfer and digitalization of traditional tools? A 3d printed backstrap loom educational kit for teenagers has been tested with the communities and the kids. We hope that weaving will become again common knowledge.


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Future Fabrics Mexico 2024 is a Fabricademy initiative, building upon the results of Future Fabrics Bhutan 2023, developed in collaboration with Fab Lab Yucatan, in Merida.

Future Fabrics Mexico OUTCOMES

  • A online directory map of the value chain of crafts, from raw material farms to shop and education centers
  • Interviews, stories and recordings of the communities
  • A manifesto for the artisan's stamp
  • A Yucatecan Natural Dye Manual, an online publication of palettes and dyeing recipes
  • A series of digitally fabricated molds for achieving complex shapes
  • An adjustable comb
  • A 3D printed Educational Backstrap Loom Kit, with an instruction manual