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Communities of Yucatán

The artisan communities are sparse in the Yucatan landscape. Most of the time, work takes place in the houses, between families or in small communities. People come and go. Mapping and creating a directory of artisans is the most complicated task and even though various efforts have been done, both by the government and from private initiatives, the directory needs to be alive, open for anyone to add input and needs continuous maintenance.

PLACE aims to understand the local dynamics and challenges regarding the craft processes, from raw material to product, mapping and bringing together the local existing ecosystems, its key actors and stakeholders to strengthen the networks and promote locally productive territories, while observing the situations of women and their potential for innovation and entrepreneurship.

We propose to use the open and accessible platform of google maps for anyone to contribute to the mapping of artisans. A series of icons that represent each craft, raw material, educational center, and non profit organization has been designed to categorize the different stakeholders along the value chain. Under the artisan's permission, the location and contacts can be added directly to the map.

Craftwomanship Communities in Yucatan

Comunidad de Santa Rosa

Renacer & Unidad Venceremos Communities of Santa Rosa

Santa Rosa is a locality in Maxcanú, Yucatán, with a population of approximately 750 inhabitants. It developed around the Hacienda Santa Rosa, where the community worked in the production of henequén. After the decline of the haciendas in the 20th century, Santa Rosa adapted to new circumstances, though the legacy of the hacienda remains present. An interesting fact is that it is near an old railway route that connected various communities in the region, an important vestige of Yucatán's commercial past.

Santa Rosa es una pequeña localidad situada en el municipio de Maxcanú, en el estado de Yucatán, México. Según el censo más reciente, la población de Santa Rosa es de aproximadamente 750 habitantes. La se desarrolló alrededor de la Hacienda Santa Rosa. Durante la época de las haciendas, los habitantes del pueblo trabajaban en actividades agrícolas y ganaderas para la hacienda, que era un centro económico y social importante. Con el tiempo, y el declive de las haciendas en el siglo XX, Santa Rosa y su comunidad tuvieron que adaptarse a nuevas circunstancias, aunque el legado de la hacienda aún influye en su historia y cultura.

Un dato curioso sobre esta localidad es que se encuentra cerca de una antigua ruta ferroviaria que solía conectar diversas comunidades de la región. Aunque el ferrocarril ya no está en uso, la ruta es un recordatorio de la importancia que tuvo en la comunicación y el comercio de la península de Yucatán en el pasado.

Comunidad de Xocchel

Xocchel is a municipality located in the state of Yucatán. Its name comes from the Mayan language, where "Xook" means "to count" and "Ch’eel" means "magpie" or "bird," so Xocchel translates to "counting magpies." The population is a community rich in history and traditions, with an economy based on agriculture and handicrafts. It has approximately 3,447 inhabitants, some of whom are artisans. Handicrafts are a significant source of income for many families in the region. Local artisans produce a variety of items, including henequen bags and baskets, embroidered textiles, and hammocks.

They are a group of 10 women artisans who create sewn henequen and henequen backstrap weaving. Their purpose is to ensure that the craftsmanship they produce is valued and that they receive fair payment as producers since currently, merchants offer them less than 10 pesos per piece. The fiber they work with is purchased, combed, dyed to the client's preference, combed again, and then "sewn" depending on the object. The henequen is transformed into art by the hands of women who collaborate as a family. Every day, they strive to incorporate the piece that their imagination dictates, making their catalog richer each day.

Xocchel es un municipio situado en el estado de Yucatán. Su nombre proviene del idioma maya, donde "Xook" significa "contar" y "Ch’eel" significa "urraca" o "pájaro", por lo que Xocchel se traduce como "contar urracas". La población es una comunidad rica en historia y tradiciones, con una economía basada en la agricultura y la artesanía, es de aproximadamente 3,447 habitantes l@s cuales algunos de ell@s son artesan@s. La artesanía es una fuente significativa de ingresos para muchas familias en la región, l@s artesan@s locales producen una variedad de artículos, incluyendo bolsas y cestería de henequén, textiles bordados y hamacas.

Comunidad de Sachaba

Sahcabá is a locality situated in the municipality of Hocabá. The name 'Sahcabá' comes from the Mayan language, specifically from the word 'Sajkab,' which refers to a white stone used to extract white powder or soil. The community has approximately 2,085 inhabitants. The community has remained primarily rural, with agriculture and handicrafts as the main economic activities. Handicrafts, in particular, continues to be an important source of income, with many artisans dedicated to the production of textiles, embroidery, and henequén products

Sahcabá es una localidad situada en el municipio de Hocabá, el nombre "Sahcabá" proviene del idioma maya, específicamente de la palabra "Sajkab," que se refiere a una piedra blanca utilizada para extraer polvo o tierra blanca, donde hay aproximadamente 2,085 habitantes. ​La comunidad se ha mantenido principalmente rural, con la agricultura y la artesanía como principales actividades económicas. La artesanía, en particular, sigue siendo una importante fuente de ingresos, con muchos artesanos dedicados a la producción de textiles, bordados y productos de henequén​.

Comunidad de Granada

Granada is a small locality in the municipality of Maxcanú, Yucatán. It has a population of around 500 inhabitants. The name of the place is associated with the pomegranate, symbolizing the wealth and fertility of the region. Historically, Granada, like many Yucatecan communities, has also been linked to the production of henequén. In the community, there is an hacienda (farm) that was abandoned but it has been restored for visitors.

​Granada es una pequeña localidad en el municipio de Maxcanú, en el estado de Yucatán, México. Tiene una población de alrededor de 500 habitantes. El nombre del lugar está asociado con la granada, simbolizando la riqueza y fertilidad de la región. Históricamente, Granada, como muchas comunidades yucatecas, también ha estado vinculada con la producción del henequén, en la comunidad hay una hacienda que fue abandonada y algunas partes han sido restauradas para poder ser visitada.

Comunidad de Tankuché

Municipality of Calkiní, State of Campeche, Mexico.

Tankuché is a locality in the municipality of Calkiní, in the state of Campeche, Mexico. It is a small town with a population of approximately 500 to 700 inhabitants. The local economy is centered on agriculture. The community maintains cultural traditions and local festivities, reflecting Campeche’s regional heritage. The town preserves many practical stories and traditions from its historical roots. An interesting fact is that Tankuché retains examples of traditional Maya and colonial architecture, showcasing the rich blend of cultural influences in the region.

Tankuché es una localidad del municipio de Calkiní, en el estado de Campeche, México. Es un pequeño pueblo con una población de aproximadamente 500 a 700 habitantes. La economía local está centrada en la agricultura. La comunidad mantiene tradiciones culturales y festividades locales, reflejando la herencia regional de Campeche. El pueblo conserva muchas historias prácticas y tradiciones de sus raíces históricas. Un dato curioso es que en Tankuché, se conservan ejemplos de arquitectura tradicional maya y colonial, que reflejan la rica mezcla de influencias culturales en la región.