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Meet our group!

22 skilled enthusiasts between amazing participants & coordinating team

Nanditha Nair, Shannon Sykes, Maxime Gravet, Annie Ferlatte, Benjamin James Simpson, Carrie Leung, Maria Corte-Real Calado, Johnatan Prado-Lopez, Dawa Zangpo, Kuenga Tshomo, Tshering Dendup, Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir, Emmanuel Gilloz, Rinzin Dorji, Surzhana Radnaeva, Tshering Wangzom, Thinley Wangchuk, Claudia Simonelli, Cecilia Raspanti, Anastasia Pistofidou, Tashi Yangki, Netel Dorij

Joining forces from 14 different countries across the world, to explore the future of textile weaving in Bhutan!



Royal Textile Academy of Bhutan

The Royal Textile Academy is Bhutan's first institution dedicated to preserving, promoting and educating about Bhutanese Textiles. RTA aims to create awareness and encourage international collaboration to promote mutually beneficial exhibits and educational programs.


Fabricademy: textile & technology academy

Fabricademy is an interdisciplinary course that focuses on new technologies applied to the textile field, from the fashion industry all the way to the upcoming wearable market. The 6-month educational program runs distributively in many laboratories across the world and combines hands-on making with online classes and tutorials, led by worldwide experts.


Super FabLab Thimphu

The Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck Super FabLab is an open platform for learning and innovation; a place to play, learn, mentor, collaborate, and create. Located at Thimphu Tech Park, it is the 2nd Super Fab Lab in the world, providing unique digital fabrication tools and services to its community. It currently consists of four different labs - focused on laser, carpentry, electronics production, and industrial graded work. Join us in our journey to learn and create almost anything.

Last update: July 23, 2023