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Team members


Nanditha Nair

Nanditha makes useful and beautiful things by exploring the complexities through handicrafts and digital fabrication. She self-learned about textiles and handicraft while working in the media. It took over as her secondary field until she ended up in her current position- part textile and product designer, part design researcher, part engineer. In addition to being a regular animal foster, she is also a proud co-parent to a clowder of cats and a dog.


Shannon Sykes

Shannon Sykes is a modelmaker and graduated with a degree from AUB, England. Her skills are very multidisciplinary going from traditional techniques such as metalwork to more numerical processes such as 3D printers Very curious and passionate about making and learning, Shannon joined Onl’fait 2 years ago and she is a project manager and is in charge of 3d modelling and inducting numerical machines to the public (of all ages) such as 3d printing to numerical embroidery. She is also responsible for the bio lab where she teaches and experiments with biomaterials, kombucha, bacterial dye and mycelium etc.


Maxime Gravet


Annie Ferlatte

ANNIE FERLATTE, strategic mediator in ecodesign, graduated from Fab Academy and new graduate from Fabricademy. Annie works within Communautique and its Fab Lab, échofab. Technician in architecture and holder of a bachelor’s degree in industrial design she also specialized in environment and circular economy for her strategic ecodesign second cycle diploma. Within the échofab team, Annie contributes to the development, testing and implementation of environmental solutions for the organization and for user services. For Annie, in a Fab Lab, everything is to be discovered, experimented and shared. The “Canari” project that she implemented, a sensor of air quality for citizens made in Fab Lab, is a perfect symbiosis between collective intelligence and new technologies, one that can bring new opportunities and contribute to the search of solutions for a better future.


James Simpson

Meet James, a passionate participant of the Bhutan Challenge, dedicated to empowering Maker Ed teachers, students, and schools. Leveraging his engineering expertise and academic mindset, he is orchestrating the formalization of makerspace programs in Shenzhen, San Francisco, and Calgary, guiding them towards a systematic approach to innovation through Open Source tools, public meetings, and valuable contributions to organizations in these regions.


Carrie Leung

Carrie Leung, a San Francisco native and maker-educator, passionately builds open-community platforms to empower students, parents, educators, and industry professionals to collaborate and learn. With a focus on project-based learning and Maker Education, she has left a remarkable impact on classrooms in Shenzhen, China, and High Tech High, HTMNC in California, while also co-founding MakeFashion Edu and SteamHead non-profit, and contributing to the K-12 design program for V&A's Design Society, all dedicated to shaping a better future for the youth.


Maria Corte-Real Calado

Architect at RCCCR, Lda, architects and Qualified Expert in Energy Certification, Maria is very much interested in rehabilitation & ecological responsibility. Maria is part of the collective maker BLAB from Lisbon, an experimentation laboratory dedicated to the search for innovative solutions to real problems. As part of its mission, BLAB promotes creativity and innovation through “out of the box” projects, offering access to a variety of tools and equipment to support collective members experimenting with new technologies and approaches, encouraging knowledge sharing through workshops, collaborative projects and community events.


Johnatan Prado-Lopez

Jon Prado is a world traveller who enjoys experiencing culture through the lense of a designer. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Design and four years of hands-on experience in crafting exceptional user experiences. He designs digital, physical, and social experiences that redefine what's possible.


Dawa Zangpo

Meet Dawa, a final year student of College of Science and Technology in Bhutan. Studying Instrumentation and Control Engineering and he is from Yangneer, Trashigang. Waking up to the sound of weaving everyday in his stay at home, he really wanted to weave Technology into Tradition with the skills acquired from fablab.


Kuenga Tshomo

Turning obstacles into opportunities is what she loves, get to know KUENGA TSHOMO from Bhutan who is pursuing bachelor of Animal Science in the College of Natural Resources, which is one of the prestigious colleges in Bhutan. Kuenga is one of the brilliant students with immense aspiration to excel in whatever she engages in. Kuenga is a young enthusiastic technophile who embraces Computers, Automation and Machines. She took part in numerous and various Fab Academy challenges in her high school and even won the prizes. Her love for blending her unique and intricate traditions with exhilarating technology is what she sees as art.


Tshering Dendup


Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir

Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir is from Iceland, has worked at Fab Lab Reykjavík for 4 ½ years and just finished Fabacademy. She has always been interested in textiles and has made a lot of learning material through her time working at Fab Lab and that is why she wanted to be a part of this challenge.


Emmanuel Gilloz

Applicated Arts and Industrial Product Design studies gave Emmanuel a superb context to practise and reflect on all the implications of designing and making things (V. Papanek being a perfect reference). Just before his final year, in 2009, he learnt about FabLabs, and found it would fit perfectly with his design ethics. Then, among a small hundred people at the time, they opened the firsts FabLabs in France. More recently, he joined the cultural science centre Le Dôme at Caen in 2018 and he’s managing its FabLab since then (daily life of the FabLab can be seen here in monthly recap).


Rinzin Dorji

Entrepreneur,part artist and Designer and founder of EcoBhutan Packaging(upcycled products and packaging)firm in Thimphu,Bhutan. Have skills in graphic and vector art, illustration and traditional art works. Know how in operational to laser and plotter machines.


Surzhana Radnaeva

Meet Surzhana Radnaeva, a Slow Fashion designer who is deeply committed to preserving traditional heritage, artisanal techniques, and materials through modernisation and usage of new technology. Her upbringing in the Buryat steppes of Siberia, surrounded by the vast natural landscape, has influenced her artistic direction and style, which is characterized by a strong connection to nature and a desire to honor cultural roots.


Tshering Wangzom

Tshering Wangzom is an Analyst at Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck Super Fablab. She has Bachelor in Electronics and Communications and MSc. in Networking and telecommunication. She is in charge of managing the lab and also developing and running Training programs in the lab. She is currently working on machines that make projects in the lab. Her professional interest lies in electronics circuit designing and programming, machine building, CAD software, digital fabrication tools and also teaching. She is also very much interested in learning about new emerging technologies. She has work experience as a trainer/lecturer at Technical Training Institute and as a visiting Lecture at her University before joining the JNWSFL.


Thinley Wangchuk

Thinley joined the DRIVE Center and the JNWSFL as an associate analyst in 2022. He is a Fulbright scholar and graduated from Drexel University with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical engineering in 2021. While at Drexel, he also worked as a Hess Undergraduate scholar, focusing and conducting research on the chemical kinetics of future fuels for future engines in collaboration with General Motors and Lawrence Livermore Laboratories. At DHI, Thinley is tasked with conducting R&D for the Drone projects, the motor and drives project, and the EV project, while also working in the Super FabLab and projects associated with it. He has also recently graduated from Fabacademy, where he refined his technical skills and expertise in the world of Digital Fabrication. His interests lie in aeronautics, automobiles, drones and additive manufacturing. Thinley has been a member of Tau Beta Pi since his induction in 2020.


Claudia Simonelli

Claudia Simonelli is a Product and Communication Designer graduated from ISIA Firenze and based in Tuscany, Italy. Since 2013 she has been developing her passion for crafting projects at the intersection of design, digital arts and technology, and soon started working as a designer at Fab Lab Toscana. Her experience at the Fab Lab allowed her to mature digital fabrication skills and co-found her lab Fabctory, a lab spin-off focused on training, co-design and prototyping services for companies, with the aim of promoting local design & manufacturing as well as synergies between Italian micro factories. Claudia had been travelling the world collaborating with international universities, local and global events and institutions, crafting workshops and teaching digital fabrication techniques applied to designs, installations and interactive projects, for students, makers and professionals. Since 2017 she is part of the Core Team and the Communications Manager of the Fabricademy - Textile & Technology Academy Program. She is currently the local instructor of Fabricademy in Amman, Jordan.


Cecilia Raspanti

Cecilia Raspanti is the co-founder of Fabricademy: textile & technology academy; and co-founder and Lead of the TextileLab Amsterdam at Waag FutureLab. She has a background in fashion, textiles, knitwear and digital fabrication. Her research work revolves around combining systemic and hands-on approaches in BioChromes and BioMaterials, which she lectures about in Fabricademy, and researches about in various projects of the TextileLab Amsterdam. She is the initiator and lead researcher of BioShades - bacterial dyes started 2015 and of other textiles and bio-related projects such as Open Material Archive, Local Color, TCBL, Archives of the Future and many others.


Anastasia Pistofidou

Anastasia Pistofidou is a Greek architect specialized in digital fabrication technologies, design and education. She has a Master degree from the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia 2010-2011 with a specialization in Digital tectonics and a Bachelor Degree from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, department of Architecture in 2008. She had been working at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) Fab Lab Barcelona as the director and founder of the FabTextiles research lab. She combines the analog and the digital towards applied research focused on new materials, art and textiles. She is the co-founder of Fabricademy: textile & technology academy.


Tashi Yangki


Netel Dorij

Last update: July 23, 2023