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Activity: an activity is a specific workshop or event organized by a lab. It can be part of a specific class, integrated in a path. It can target a specific group with a specific topic and promote a specific set of skills. Some instructions on how to prepare, run and reflect the activities will be produced so they can be replicated.

Assessment Rubric: an assessment tool that enables judgements to be made about how well the SheMakes participants achieve the intended learning outcomes.

Challenge: The challenge is used as an efficient and effective framework for learning while solving real-local issues (Johnson, L. et al, 2009). It also helps participants gain deep topic area knowledge and develop the skills necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Co-Creation: Co-creation is a non-linear process that involves multiple stakeholders and actors in the ideation, implementation and assessments of products, services, policies and systems with the aim of improving their efficiency and effectiveness and the satisfaction of those who take part in the process (Real, 2019)

Documentation: Documentation allows learners in any of the pathways to participate in their learning processes (Tolisano, 2018). Documenting involves more than supporting learning by providing visible evidence. It requires accessing and reflecting on one’s own learning processes and articulating what is taking place throughout a learning journey (pathway). There are three documenting learning types: Documentation OF learning focuses on displaying artifacts: What did the learner do? What is the result of the learning? Documentation FOR learning focuses on interpretation of artifacts: Why do I accept this artifact as evidence of my learning progress? How could someone else learn from my failures and successes? Documentation AS learning focuses on the learning process involved in capturing and reflecting on artifacts: What is worthy of capture during a learning opportunity? How can I convey my thinking visibly and audibly using media platforms and tools?

Fabricademy : It is an educational distributed program that explores the interrelation of human-technology-environment through the notions of embodiment, materiality, ecodesign, biodesign, performance, smart textiles and digital fabrication. It offers a broad overview of the state of the art of the current industry and builds on “learning by doing” methodologies, tackling themes like personal fabrication, distributed manufacturing, industry 4.0 wearable technology, bio fabrication, assistive technologies and sustainability.

Gradual Release of Responsibility : The gradual release of responsibility (GRR) model is a particular style of teaching which is a structured method of pedagogy framed around a process devolving responsibility within the learning process from the teacher to the eventual independence of the learner. This instructional model requires that the teacher, by design, transitions from assuming "all the responsibility for performing a a situation in which the students assume all of the responsibility".[1] The ideal result is a confident learner who accepts responsibility for their own learning and directs this learning through the cognitive processes involved, moving through the academic spectrum, to independent choice (personalised learning). As Buehl (2005) stated, the GRR model "emphasizes instruction that mentors students into becoming capable thinkers and learners when handling the tasks with which they have not yet developed expertise".[2] (wikipedia)

Hybrid Learning : Hybrid Learning is an educational approach where some individuals participate in person and some participate online. Instructors and facilitators teach remote and in-person learners at the same time using technology like video conferencing. Lifelong Learning : Lifelong Learning captures the seemingly simple idea that in order to flourish in the contemporary world humans need to learn significantly across the different phases of their lifespan (Hager, 2012). Learning does not only happen in educational systems but at any time in life at any place through experiences. Learning is an ongoing process based on the attitude and pursuit of an entity being curious to learn. This may come in many forms and may change over the duration of time, however the constant is the motivation to gain knowledge.

Maker-Centered Learning : Maker-centered learning (MCL) is a learner-centered pedagogy that aims to return the prominence to students, making them responsible for their own learning. Working on maker projects, students learn to think for themselves, to research and learn from their mistakes and successes acquiring a deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems (Edward, 2016). It is a style of active learning and inquiry-based learning. Each of the SheMakes pathways is designed under this approach. The primary and secondary benefits associated with Maker-Centered Learning (Edward, 2016) are based on developing learner agency (stuff-making, community building), building character (self-making), fostering the development of knowledge and skills within the relevant Shemakes subjects, maker-specific tools, technologies, processes and practices.

Module : A module is a class as actually defined in the Fabricademy program. It contains a set of activities to reach theoretical and practical knowledge on a specific topic with associated skills. From now on there is one module by topic. In the Fabricademy handbook, it is now framed as a weekly course describing the program outline, necessary tools/software, materials, assignment, evaluation and assessment, references. Here the main ones: WELCOME:

Package: A package is a set of classes that bring knowledge in one specific area of knowledge of the Fabricademy course. Four packages are existing now on: Sustainability, Wearable Technology, Industry 4.0, Textile Narratives.

Pathway: A learning pathway (path) is a route taken by a learner (any of the target groups) through a range of activities, which allows him/her to build knowledge progressively (Clement, 2000) and develop part or all of the skills and competencies defined in the Shemakes project. In Shemakes, learners will be able to follow three types of pathways - curiosity / discovery / innovation. Labs will pick-up or design their activities, modules and programmes to better support each learner in their respective pathway of learning. The Shemakes toolkit will provide a set of activities and modules for each path so labs can better structure their own proposals, as well as a guideline for teachers, facilitators and curriculum developers.

Personal Project Development: The 3 month incubation Participants focus on individual in-depth applied project research, employing critical thinking, hard and soft skills for the development of innovative solutions. It is structured on bi-weekly reviews and focus-group

Skill: Skill is the expertise or the ability to do something well. The Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning suggests that a skill is “an overlearned behavioural routine resulting from practice” (Seel, 2012). Skills are increasingly divided into categories such as basic or higher; or as ‘behavioural and social’, ‘technical’ or ‘creativity and critical thinking’; or as ‘academic’ or ‘vocational’. Basics of coding, 2D and 3D design, use of electronics circuits for data collection, digital fabrication for prototyping artefacts, moulding and casting with biomaterials are some of the technical skills covered during the SheMakes learning program. Beyond technical skills, Shemakes approach permits learners to develop soft skills which are largely non-cognitive and social such as creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking. These are frequently used by employers as a near synonym for competencies or transversal skills.

STEAM: STEAM is an educational and innovation framework bringing science, technology, engineering and mathematics together with the arts/other disciplines (STEM + Art=STEAM or S-TEAM). The STEAM framework also aims to bring together all types of learners with the goal of being more engaging, creative and naturally successful for all members of any educational system, formal or informal. We need to add "Art" to turn STEM into STEAM. Artists and designers make information more understandable, products more desirable, and new inventions possible through the project-based inquiry that has long been practised in the art studio (Maeda, 2013).


Clement, J. (2000). "Model based learning as a key research area for science education". International Journal of Science Education. 22 (9): 1041–1053. doi:10.1080/095006900416901 Edward P. Clapp, Jessica Ross, Jennifer O. Ryan, Shari Tishman (2016). Maker-Centered Learning: Empowering Young People to Shape Their Worlds Hager P.J. (2012) Lifelong Learning. In: Seel N.M. (eds) Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer, Boston, MA. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6_164. Johnson, L. F., Smith, R., Smythe, J. Troy; V., Rachel K. (2009). Challenge-Based Learning: An Approach for Our Time. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Ling, T. (2012) “Evaluating complex and unfolding interventions in real time” Evaluation, 18(1), pp 79-91.Maeda, J. (2013) "STEM + Art = STEAM," The STEAM Journal: Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 34. DOI: 10.5642/steam.201301.34, Available at: Real, M. et al. (2019), “Co-Creation Journeys”, Source: Seel, N.M. (2012 “Skill”, Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer, Boston, MA. Tolisano, S. R., & Hale, J. A. (2018). A guide to documenting learning: Making thinking visible, meaningful, shareable, and amplified. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. Websites

Last update: August 3, 2022