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The Pitch my target goal is helping women entrepreneurs to find the right contacts and broaden their networks through the strength of community and collective intelligence. In concrete terms, each entrepreneur has to prepare a pitch in which she asks her demand in contacts. Then, mentors and other entrepreneurs can share their contacts if it is relevant.


No material is particularly necessary for the good progress of the workshop, however, to make it more pleasant and smooth:

  • tables and chairs
  • paper and pen to take notes
  • a computer to project the QR code and the bitly link
  • phones or computers with internet access to share contacts


  • Facilitator/ Moderator
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Mentors - we recommend inviting at least 3 mentors per entrepreneur.



  • contact entrepreneurs

The first step is to contact entrepreneurs, here are a few things that you should have in mind:

This exercise is better suited for early stage entrepreneurs who still need help to enter a market and thus, to broaden their networks.

In order to find theses entrepreneurs, you can work through your network or launch a call for projects online.

Also, feel free to search for the entrepreneurs online (by typing key words, by checking who participated in the last startup weekend on your topics near where you’re based, etc.), they’ll usually be happy to have structures like yours reaching out to help!

Toolbox: here's an example of email that you can send to the entrepreneurs

Hello (contact name),

Let me introduce myself: my name is (first name) and I am (position) at (association/company) in (city).

This email is long, but in a nutshell: we offer you an opportunity to meet people from the textile sector and to enrich your address book! So, if you want to know more, I suggest you read on...

What is (association/company)?

Example: Makesense is an association that enables citizens, entrepreneurs and organizations to take action and work together to build a more inclusive and sustainable society. More specifically, I am working with Victor (in copy of the email) on the Shemakes program. }

What is Shemakes?

Shemakes is a European program that aims at empowering women innovators in the sustainable fashion sector through inspiration, skills and networks. I'll let you go to the Shemakes website to learn more!

We are several associations in Europe working together on this program. More specifically, at (association/company), we have two challenges:

To give ethical fashion entrepreneurs the opportunity to move forward with their entrepreneurial project and help them meet their challenges

To allow ethical fashion entrepreneurs to create links and to get known.

How we offer to support you!

Example: To do this, we are organizing a "pitch my target" workshop (sharing good contacts between entrepreneurs and mentors).}

Your project meets the Shemakes theory of change and we would be really happy to be able to help you go forward with it! Would you be interested in participating in this workshop?

If you are interested, let’s schedule a call to check if it is really relevant for you and your project. It’ll also be an opportunity to discuss your desires, your needs, and of course to answer all your questions!

In the meantime, I wish you a nice day,

Best wishes!

  • Plan a call to explain the workshop

30 minutes should be enough in order to explain the workshop, bring reassurance and answer the questions that the entrepreneurs might have!

Toolbox: here's an example of agenda for your call

How are you?

Presentation (you), your structure.

Presentation (her).

Presentation of the workshop.


Are you interested in this workshop?

If yes, what type of contact do you need?

Next steps: you can confirm your interest by email within a week

  • Validate their participation by email or by using an event platform


  • Contact mentors, ideally relevant to solve the entrepreneurs' needs in contact/in the textile sector

Keep in mind that these mentors must be relevant to solve the entrepreneurs’ needs in contact, that is why it might be better to contact people from the sector, people who have an entrepreneurial background, and/or people that have an expertise in the area that is searched by the entrepreneurs.

Examples of contacts needed and kind of mentors adapted to create these connections:

Contact needed: people in the communication sector (specialized in social media).

Mentors adapted: people working in the communication sector.

Contact needed: elderly people who know how to sew in Lyon.

Mentors adapted: any kind of mentors from Lyon (France).

Your calls with the entrepreneurs will help you better frame who you need to contact.

  • Plan a call of 15 min with them to explain the workshop and to answer any questions.

Here an example of the call process:

How are you?

Presentation (you), your structure.

Presentation (her/him).

Presentation of the workshop.


Are you interested in this workshop?

If yes, what type of contact can you share?

Next steps: you can confirm your interest by email within a week.

  • Validate with them their participation (by email).


  • Find a place to host the event
  • Get some food and drink
  • Prepare a way to gather the contacts

We recommend that you create an online form (through airtable or typeform for example) that each mentor would have to fill in every time they’re willing to share a contact with an entrepreneur. We also recommend turning this form into a QR code that your mentors can simply scan for each sharing.

Here's how to create a QR code:

It's very easy, you need the link of the website (the one you want to generate a qr code) and that's all.

You copy the link, you paste it in "qr-code-generator". Then you download the qr code in jpg format.

Here the link of the qrcode generator.

AirTable is a database software, you’ll find plenty of trainings and tutorials online.

  • Prepare 2 slides : 1 for the workshop introduction and 1 to show the QR code.


  • Prepare the room, if possible, organize the room with a common space.

Entrepreneurs should have enough space to pitch, in the center of the room. A circle format is welcome.


  • Send an email thanking the entrepreneurs and mentors.
  • Share contacts with entrepreneurs (responses to the Airtable form).

If you are using airtable, you simply have to click on “share view”, copy the link, and then send it to the entrepreneur.

AGENDA- 2h30 min session

  • Reception of the entrepreneurs and mentors with a snack 20 min

  • Pitch training 30 min

To begin this workshop, it is necessary to train the entrepreneurs in pitching. This training lasts about 30 minutes. During this time, the mentors are free to listen or go about their business.

You will find, at the end of this document, the slides for the pitch training.

  • Individual work on pitch, each entrepreneur work on her pitch to prepare her demand in contacts 30 min

After the training, the entrepreneurs take 30 minutes to prepare their pitch. At the end of their pitch, they must formulate their contact request (see the last slide of the training).

  • Entrepreneurs pitch their need in contacts in front of mentors (2 min per entrepreneur).

  • Mentors and other entrepreneurs share their good contacts by filling out the airtable form 1h

Additional materials

Therefore, to organize a pitch my target session with all the resources at hand, we provide you with several documents, namely:

The slides of the pitch training.

The video of our event!


Last update: December 12, 2022